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OlbrichtArom: New and better!


Hello! It's us - OlbrichtArom!

With a new look and feel, we're here to offer you taste explosions galore.

We're back with a new brand identity and a new website. No more of this unresponsiveness and old-fashioned look. That didn't match our performance anyway and certainly not our inner self.

After 14 years, it was time to harmonise our external image with our inner feeling:

passionate – technological – cooperative – agile – innovative – indulging

THis is us. And that's what we can offer you: delicious, innovative flavour creations at the highest level, technologically mature for product, process and price. On the pulse of time, in the hearts of consumers. High quality service, trust and delivery reliability are a given anyway!

So everything as usual but then again totally different! We look forward to the start of something new on the stable foundation of more than 150 years of ‘Creating the tastes of life.’

Browse through our gallery of flavours, technology and taste and enjoy the journey!

Eine knallbunte Explosion aus Farben, die eine Geschmacksexplosion symbolisieren soll.

Creating the tastes of life.